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How to send Unoparty assets in bulk

Below is a script for constructing, signing and broadcasting a large number of sends efficiently. It assumes that the source addresses are in a (temporarily) unlocked Unobtanium Core wallet, to which a running instance of unopartyd is connected.

This script takes a single command-line argument of the CSV file from which to pull the sources, destinations, quantities, assets and fees.

Warning: This example is outdated as it used the previous addrindexrs_uno unobtanium branch, however, same principles apply to current mainline repo.


import csv
import sys

from unopartylib.lib import util
from unopartylib.lib import config
from unopartylib.lib.backend import addrindex_uno

config.BACKEND_URL = 'http://user:password@localhost:4120'
config.TESTNET = False

def unoparty_api(method, params):
return util.api(method, params)

def unobtanium_api(method, params):
return addrindex_uno.rpc(method, params)

def do_send(source, destination, asset, quantity, fee, encoding):
validateaddress = unobtanium_api('validateaddress', [source])
assert validateaddress['ismine']
pubkey = validateaddress['pubkey']
unsigned_tx = unoparty_api('create_send', {'source': source, 'destination': destination, 'asset': asset, 'quantity': quantity, 'pubkey': pubkey, 'allow_unconfirmed_inputs': True})
signed_tx = unobtanium_api('signrawtransaction', [unsigned_tx])['hex']
tx_hash = unobtanium_api('sendrawtransaction', [signed_tx])
return tx_hash

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
print('{}|{}|{}'.format('linenum', 'input', 'result'))

for row in reader:
if reader.line_num == 1:

source, destination, asset, quantity, fee = row
fee, quantity = int(fee), int(quantity)

tx_hash = do_send(source, destination, asset, quantity, fee, 'opreturn')
except Exception as e:
tx_hash = str(e)

print('{}|{}|{}'.format(reader.line_num, ','.join(row), tx_hash))

CSV File​

All quantities are specified in satoshis. The format of the CSV file is as follows:



Use this script on a system with unoparty-lib installed and in the PYTHONPATH. (If using a Federated Node, this is possible by issuing the command unonode shell unoparty or unonode shell unoparty-testnet as appropriate, and using the script in that shell.)

If the CSV file with the data is called input.csv, and the script is called, then call this script with $ python3 input.csv.