Unoblock API
For an overview of unoblock
, see here.
release information is available from this link.
Warning: This API documentation is INCOMPLETE. It contains errors, omissions, etc., and could change drastically at any time.
Connecting to the API
By default, unoblock
will listen on port 4420
for API requests. API requests are made via a HTTP POST request to /api/
, with JSON-encoded data passed as the POST body. For more information on JSON RPC, please see the JSON RPC specification.
Terms & Conventions
The API calls documented are categorized based on the unoblock
module/plug-in they appear in. For a list of the various modules with a description of each one, see the unoblock modules document.
Return Types
[ ]
indicates a list of one or more items, the structure will be detailed inside the brackets if regular.{ }
indicates a hash/object with the keys indicated'id'
means a key named id.<id>
means the key is based on some parameter. This will usually be based on the inputs to the function (for example a search parameter)('key')
means an optional key that may or may not be present in the output. Usually configured by a parameter.
wallet IDs
An individual Unowallet user needs a way to identify themselves to unoblock
for things like storing and retrieving their wallet preferences data, and more.
For this purpose, we define the concept of a wallet ID, which is simply the user's Unowallet 12-word password, double-hashed with SHA256 and converted to base 64.
core API
These API methods are part of the core unoblock
code, and not part of a plugin module.
Alias for unopartyd get_messages_by_index
- param list message_indexs: Message IDs to fetch
- return: A list of messages
deprecated: 1.5 Use get_chain_address_info
- return: The height of the block chain
Get block info for a specific block hash from the backend (insight, unobtaniumd, etc).
get_chain_address_info(addresses, with_uxtos=True, with_last_txn_hashes=4)
Get info for one or more addresses
- parameter list addresses: Address to query
- parameter boolean with_uxtos: Include Unspent
- parameter int with_last_txn_hashes: Include n recent confirmed transactions
- return: Address info
- rtype: [{'addr', 'info',('uxto'),('last_txns'),('block_height')}]
- param list txn_hashes: A list of one or more txn hashes
- return: Transaction information
- rtype: [{'tx_hash', 'blockhash', 'confirmations', 'blocktime'}]
Return latest messaages
- param int count: Number of messages to return. Must be < 1000 if specified.
- return: A list of messages
- rtype: [{'raw_tx_type', ... other fields vary per tx type}]
Returns None if the address has made 0 transactions (as we wouldn't be able to get the public key)
- returns: String or None
get_script_pub_key(tx_hash, vout_index)
get_raw_transactions(address, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, limit=500):
Gets raw transactions for a particular address
- param address: A single address string
- param start_ts: The starting date & time. Should be a unix epoch object. If passed as None, defaults to 60 days before the end_date
- param end_ts: The ending date & time. Should be a unix epoch object. If passed as None, defaults to the current date & time
- param limit: the maximum number of transactions to return; defaults to ten thousand
- return: Returns the data, ordered from newest txn to oldest. If any limit is applied, it will cut back from the oldest results
- rtype: {id: {status, tx_hash, _divisible, _tx_index, block_index, _category, destination, tx_index, _block_time, source, asset, _command, quantity}}
proxy_to_unopartyd(method='', params={})
- param method: Method name to call in unopartyd.
- param params: Array of function parameters.
- returns: The method response from unopartyd
Relays a request to the unopartyd server, with the given method and params, and returns the result. See the API documentation for available methods.
NOTE: This method may be depreciated/removed in the future.
assets Module API
This call augments unoparty's get_balances with a normalized_quantity field. It also will include any owned assets for an address, even if their balance is zero. NOTE: Does not retrieve BTC balance. Use get_address_info for that.
- param addresses: The addresses to retrieve balances on
- return: Balances are returned as a list of dicts, with each dict having the following structure:
- address: The address with the asset balance
- asset: The asset (e.g. "XUP")
- owner: Set to True if this address is the owner of the asset
- quantity: The quantity in satoshi
- normalized_quantity: The quantity, as a human readable number
Gets a list of address balances that are escrowed away by the protocol (either due to an open trade or bet).
- param list addresses: List of addresses to check
- return: An array of assets held in escrow
- rtype:
{<address of escrowee>:{<asset>:<amount>}}
Returns information on the specified assets.
- param assetsList: A list of one or more asset names.
- return: A list of dicts, one dict for each asset provided in
:- asset: The name of the asset (e.g. "XUP")
- owner: The address of the current owner of the asset
- divisible: True if the asset is divisible, False otherwise
- locked: True if the asset is locked, False otherwise
- supply: The current supply of the asset
- description: The asset's current description
- issuer: The issuing address of the asset
get_base_quote_asset(asset1, asset2)
Given two arbitrary assets, returns the base asset and the quote asset.
deprecated: 1.5 Use get_market_info/get_market_details
- param asset1: An asset
- param asset2: An asset
- return: Array
- rtype:
{'base_asset', 'quote_asset', 'pair_name'}
Returns the assets owned by the addresses
- param addresses: An array of addresses.
- return: Information on owned assets
- rtype: [{'_change_type', 'locked', 'description', '_at_block', 'divisible', 'total_issued_normalized', '_at_block_time', 'asset', 'total_issued', 'owner', history:[]]
get_asset_pair_market_info(asset1=None, asset2=None, limit=50):
deprecated: 1.5 Use get_market_details/get_market_info
Given two arbitrary assets, returns the base asset and the quote asset.
- param asset1: First asset name
- param asset2: Second asset name
- param limit: Max # of records to return
- return: Market info for the given pair
- rtype: {'24h_vol_in_btc', 'open_orders_count', 'lowest_ask', 'base_asset', 'completed_trades_count', '24h_pct_change', 'vol_quote', 'highest_bid', '24h_vol_in_xcp', 'vol_base', 'last_updated', 'quote_asset'}
Returns extended asset data (i.e. that published via an external .json file, as documented here), if available, for a specific asset.
- param asset: The name of the asset (e.g. "XUP")
- return: Information on the asset or False if no extended info exists. Contains the data as documented in the extended asset info JSON format, among other fields.
- rtype: {}
get_asset_history(asset, reverse=False
Returns a list of changes for the specified asset, from its inception to the current time.
- param asset: The asset to retrieve a history on
- param reverse: By default, the history is returned in the order of oldest to newest. Set this parameter to True to return items in the order of newest to oldest.
- return: Changes are returned as a list of dicts, with each dict having the following format:
- type: One of 'created', 'issued_more', 'changed_description', 'locked', 'transferred', 'called_back'
- 'at_block': The block number this change took effect
- 'at_block_time': The block time this change took effect
- IF type = 'created': Has the following fields, as specified when the asset was initially created:
- owner, description, divisible, locked, total_issued, total_issued_normalized
- IF type = 'issued_more':
- 'additional': The additional quantity issued (raw)
- 'additional_normalized': The additional quantity issued (normalized)
- 'total_issued': The total issuance after this change (raw)
- 'total_issued_normalized': The total issuance after this change (normalized)
- IF type = 'changed_description':
- 'prev_description': The old description
- 'new_description': The new description
- IF type = 'locked': NO EXTRA FIELDS
- IF type = 'transferred':
- 'prev_owner': The address the asset was transferred from
- 'new_owner': The address the asset was transferred to
- IF type = 'called_back':
- 'percentage': The percentage of the asset called back (between 0 and 100)
get_balance_history(asset, addresses, normalize=True, start_ts=None, end_ts=None)
Retrieves the ordered balance history for a given address (or list of addresses) and asset pair, within the specified date range
- param normalize: If set to True, return quantities that (if the asset is divisible) have been divided by 100M (satoshi).
- return: A list of tuples, with the first entry of each tuple being the block time (epoch TS), and the second being the new balance at that block time.
- rtype:
[<block time>, <balance>]
dex Module
get_market_price_summary(asset1, asset2, with_last_trades=0)
deprecated: 1.5 Use get_market_price_history
- param asset1: An asset
- param asset2: An asset
- param with_last_trades: Include last trades
- return: Array
- rtype: {'quote_asset', 'base_asset', 'market_price',('last_trades')}
get_market_cap_history(start_ts=None, end_ts=None)
- param start_ts: Unix timestamp (defaults to 30 days before the end timestamp)
- param end_ts: Unix timestamp (defaults to current timestamp)
- return: Array
- rtype:
{'base_currency':[{'data':[ts,market_cap], 'name'}]}
- param list assets: Assets to check
- return: Array
- rtype: {'24h_hlc_in_btc', 'extended_description', 'extended_pgpsig', 'aggregated_price_as_btc', 'price_in_btc', '24h_summary':{'vol', 'count'}, 'market_cap_in_btc', 'asset', 'price_as_xcp', '7d_history_in_btc':[[ts, price]], '24h_vol_price_change_in_xcp', 'price_in_xcp', 'extended_website', '24h_vol_price_change_in_btc', 'aggregated_price_as_xcp', 'market_cap_in_xcp', '7d_history_in_xcp':[[ts, price]], 'aggregated_price_in_btc', 'aggregated_price_in_xcp', 'price_as_btc', 'total_supply', '24h_ohlc_xcp', 'extended_image'}
- param limit: Number of results to return
- return: Array
- rtype: {base_currency:[{ '24h_ohlc_in_btc', 'total_supply', 'aggregated_price_in_btc', 'price_in_btc', '24h_vol_price_change_in_xcp', 'aggregated_price_in_xcp', '24h_summary: {'vol', 'count'}, 'price_in_xcp', 'price_as_btc', 'market_cap_in_btc', '24h_ohlc_in_xcp', '24h_vol_price_change_in_btc', 'aggregated_price_as_xcp', 'market_cap_in_xcp', 'asset', 'price_as_xcp', '7d_history_in_xcp', '7d_history_in_btc', 'aggregated_price_as_btc'}]}
get_market_price_history(asset1, asset2, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, as_dict=False)
Return block-by-block aggregated market history data for the specified asset pair, within the specified date range.
- param asset1: An asset
- param asset2: An asset .
- param start_ts: Unix timestamp (defaults to 30 days before the end timestamp)
- param end_ts: Unix timestamp (defaults to current timestamp)
- param as_dict: Return as list of list or list of dicts
- return: List of lists or dicts
- rtype: [{'block_time', 'block_index', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vol', 'count'}]
get_trade_history(asset1=None, asset2=None, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, limit=50)
Gets last N of trades within a specific date range (normally, for a specified asset pair, but this can be left blank to get any/all trades).
- param asset1: An asset
- param asset2: An asset
- param start_ts: Unix timestamp
- param end_ts: Unix timestamp
- param limit: Number of trades to return
- return: Array of length
- rtype: [{'base_quantity', 'message_index', 'order_match_tx1_index', 'base_asset', 'quote_quantity', 'order_match_tx0_address', 'unit_price', 'base_quantity_normalized', 'block_index', 'block_time', 'quote_quantity_normalized', 'unit_price_inverse', 'order_match_tx0_index', 'order_match_id', 'order_match_tx1_address', 'quote_asset'}]
get_order_book_simple(asset1, asset2, min_pct_fee_provided=None, max_pct_fee_required=None)
deprecated: 1.5 Use unoparty-server's get_orders
Easier to call version when you want all orders involving the two assets.
- param asset1: Asset
- param asset2: Asset
- param pct_fee_provided: A minimum fee level in satoshis
- param pct_fee_required: A minimum fee level in satoshis
- return: Object
- rtype: {'base_bid_book':[{'count', 'depth', 'unit_price', 'quantity'}], 'bid_depth', 'raw_orders:[{ 'status', 'tx_hash', 'give_quantity', '_is_online', 'fee_provided', 'source', 'give_asset', 'expire_index', 'fee_required_remaining', 'block_index', 'tx_index', 'give_remaining', 'block_time', 'get_asset', 'expiration', 'fee_required', 'get_remaining', 'get_quantity', 'fee_provided_remaining'}], 'bid_ask_median', 'quote_asset', 'base_asset', 'ask_depth', 'bid_ask_spread', 'base_ask_book':[{'count', 'depth', 'unit_price', 'quantity'}], 'id'}
get_order_book_buysell(buy_asset, sell_asset, pct_fee_provided=None, pct_fee_required=None)
deprecated: 1.5 Use unoparty-server's get_orders
- param buy_asset: Asset
- param sell_asset: Asset
- param pct_fee_provided: A minimum fee level in satoshis
- param pct_fee_required: A minimum fee level in satoshis
- return: Object
- rtype: {'base_bid_book':[{'count', 'depth', 'unit_price', 'quantity'}], 'bid_depth', 'raw_orders:[{ 'status', 'tx_hash', 'give_quantity', '_is_online', 'fee_provided', 'source', 'give_asset', 'expire_index', 'fee_required_remaining', 'block_index', 'tx_index', 'give_remaining', 'block_time', 'get_asset', 'expiration', 'fee_required', 'get_remaining', 'get_quantity', 'fee_provided_remaining'}], 'bid_ask_median', 'quote_asset', 'base_asset', 'ask_depth', 'bid_ask_spread', 'base_ask_book':[{'count', 'depth', 'unit_price', 'quantity'}], 'id'}
get_users_pairs(addresses=[], max_pairs=12)
Return asset pairs held by the addresses.
- rtype: [{'base_asset', 'progression', 'trend', 'price_24h', 'price', 'quote_asset'}]
get_market_orders(asset1, asset2, addresses=[], min_fee_provided=0.95, max_fee_required=0.95)
Returns orders for the search parameters
- rtype: [{'completion', 'tx_hash', 'fee_provided', 'block_index', 'price', 'tx_index', 'source', 'amount', 'block_time', 'total', 'type'}]
get_market_trades(asset1, asset2, addresses=[], limit=100)
Returns completed trades for the search parameters
- rtype: [{'status', 'match_id', 'countersource', 'block_index', 'price', 'source', 'amount', 'block_time', 'total', 'type'}]
Returns available markets
- rtype: [{'market_cap', 'base_asset', 'progression', 'supply', 'trend', 'price_24h', 'price', ' quote_divisibility', 'pos', 'volume', 'with_image', 'base_divisibility', 'quote_asset'}]
get_market_details(asset1, asset2, min_fee_provided=0.95, max_fee_required=0.95)
Return detailed information on a market.
- rtype: {'base_asset','progression','supply', 'trend','price_24h', 'price','sell_orders': [{'fee_required', 'amount', 'total', 'type', 'price'}],'quote_asset_divisible','buy_orders': [{'amount', 'total', 'type', 'price', 'fee_provided'}], 'last_trades': [{'status', 'match_id', 'countersource', 'source', 'price', 'block_index', 'amount', 'block_time', 'total', 'type'}],'base_asset_infos','base_asset_divisible','quote_asset'}
betting Module
get_bets(bet_type, feed_address, deadline, target_value=None, leverage=5040)
Returns bets with non-zero remaining counterwager for the specified search terms.
- param bet_type: 0, 1, 2 or 3
- param feed_address: An address
- param deadline: Unix timestamp
- rtype: [{'tx_hash' 'feed_address', 'wager_quantity', 'leverage', 'source', 'expire_index', 'status', 'tx_index', 'block_index', 'counterwager_quantity', 'deadline', 'expiration', 'fee_fraction_int', 'bet_type', 'counterwager_remaining', 'wager_remaining', 'target_value' }]
get_user_bets(addresses=[], status="open")
- param addresses: List of addresses
- param status: "open", "filled","expired","cancelled","dropped", or "invalid"
- rtype: [{'tx_hash' 'feed_address', 'wager_quantity', 'leverage', 'source', 'expire_index', 'status', 'tx_index', 'block_index', 'counterwager_quantity', 'deadline', 'expiration', 'fee_fraction_int', 'bet_type', 'counterwager_remaining', 'wager_remaining', 'target_value' }]
- param address_or_url: Feed URL or Unobtanium Address
- rtype: {'broadcasts':[{'status', 'tx_hash', 'locked', 'timestamp', 'source', 'text', 'tx_index', 'value', 'block_index', 'fee_fraction_int'}], 'counters':{'bets':[]}
- param addresses: Address list
- rtype:
{<address>:{'errors':[], 'locked', 'info_url', 'info_data':{}, 'fetch_info_retry', 'source', 'info_status', 'fee_fraction_int', 'last_broadcast':{}}}
Takes a base64-encoded feed and decodes it.
- rtype: [{'tx_hash' 'feed_address', 'wager_quantity', 'leverage', 'source', 'expire_index', 'status', 'tx_index', 'block_index', 'counterwager_quantity', 'deadline', 'expiration', 'fee_fraction_int', 'bet_type', 'counterwager_remaining', 'wager_remaining', 'target_value' }]
unowallet Module
Used by the client to check if the server is alive, caught up, and ready to accept requests. If the server is NOT caught up, a 525 error will be returned actually before hitting this point. Thus, if we actually return data from this function, it should always be true. (may change this behaviour later)
- rtype: Boolean
Allows the requesting host to get some info about itself, such as its IP. Used for troubleshooting.
- return: Client host info
- rtype: {'ip', 'cookie', 'country'}
get_wallet_stats(start_ts=None, end_ts=None):
If timestamps omitted, queries the last 360 days.
- param start_ts: Unix timestamp
- param end_ts: Unix timestamp
- return: Wallet information
- rtype: {'wallet_stats':[id: {'data': [{}], 'name'}], 'num_wallets_testnet', 'num_wallets_mainnet', 'num_wallets_unknown'}
get_preferences(wallet_id, for_login=False, network=None)
Gets stored wallet preferences
- param network: only required if for_login is specified. One of: 'mainnet' or 'testnet'
- returns: A wallet preferences object:
- num_addresses_used (integer): The number of addresses utilized in the user's wallet (this determines how many addresses we will deterministally generate when the user logs in).
- address_aliases (list): A list of zero or objects, with each object having an
string property, being the Unobtanium base56 address, and analias
string property, being the textual alias (i.e. nickname) for this address. Using aliases helps make the wallet more user-friendly.
- rtype: Boolean
store_preferences(wallet_id, preferences)
Stores the preferences for a given wallet ID.
- param string wallet_id: The wallet ID to store the preferences for.
- param object preferences: A wallet preferences object (see above)
- return:
if the storage was successful,false
create_armory_utx(unsigned_tx_hex, public_key_hex)
Used to create an offline Armory transaction for signing in Armory.
- returns: The signed tx hash
- rtype: String
Used to convert a signed armory transaction to a hex-encoded raw transaction suitable for broadcasting on the Unobtanium network.
- returns: The raw hash as hex
- rtype: String
create_support_case(name, from_email, problem, screenshot=None, addtl_info='')
create an email with the information received
- param screenshot: The base64 text of the screenshot itself, prefixed with data=image/png
- param addtl_info: A JSON-encoded string of a dict with additional information to include in the support request
unowallet_iofeeds Module
- return: The current number of users attached to the server's chat feed :rtype: Int
deprecated: 1.6.3
deprecated: 1.6.3
- rtype: Boolean
- rtype: {'handle', 'is_op', 'last_updated', 'banned_until'}
deprecated: 1.6.3
store_chat_handle(wallet_id, handle)
deprecated: 1.6.3
get_chat_history(start_ts=None, end_ts=None, handle=None, limit=1000)
deprecated: 1.6.3
- rtype: Boolean
transaction_stats Module
get_transaction_stats(start_ts=None, end_ts=None)
This function returns the number of transactions in each 24 hour clock within the given time range, or the last 360 days if no time range is given.
- param start_ts: Unix timestamp
- param end_ts: Unix timestamp
- return: The number of transactions in each time interval.
- rtype: [[
unix timestamp *in milliseconds* (e.g. 1000 * a typical unix timestamp)
,transaction count